Play Template

  • Find the Google Doc version here for comments and feedback.
  • To get a copy of this template you can edit, click here.

This is a template for creating a ‘play’ as part of the Playbook for Collective Power.

Once you have a template draft to share, please send it to


What’s the play called?



A brief summary of the play that gives the read an overview of what it’s about. Use bullet points / numbered points to help break it down.

Objectives of the play

The objectives are what you want to achieve during this play. They are participant-focussed. They describe the role of this play in achieving your overall outcomes.   


Outcomes describe the change you want to see. It’s what you are trying to achieve over time. Outcomes are measurable. These will need to fit into the taxonomy of plays, based on the ‘Play-Finder’ in order for it to be searchable / findable. If your high level goal isn’t included now, feel free to add it.

Original Purpose & Source

What was the exercise originally designed to do? What was the context? What might be the broader strategy or goals it supported?

Who was this play originally designed for? Understanding the original source allows credit for the original creators and understand how it was intended to be used. This will help others adapt it to their own use appropriately and effectively.


Time needed for the play

How much time does this play need to be impactful? What’s the minimum and maximum amount of time required?

Number of participants

What’s the minimum and maximum number of participants required to run this play?

Where it happens

Is this play for in-person, online or hybrid?

How does the setting affect how you run the play?


The participants: What do you need to know about participants beforehand? Is there any work you need to do based on who will participate?

Accessibility: It’s always good to know if there are any accessibility requirements to consider, e.g. language and the need for interpreters, people with different learning styles and abilities, communication abilities, and physical abilities. 

Setup: is there a preferred way to set up the room/space?

Materials: what materials do you need to run this play? E.g. post-its and Sharpies, wall space, larger poster paper and blue-tac, stickers, pens

Online tools: are there any templates ready to re-use? Are there any recommended online tools to aid collaboration? 


TimeThe WhatThe WhyThe How
30 minsGet participants talking in pairs about their experience of X for 5 mins
Each pair should join with another and share what they learned about their partner for 10 mins
Each group shares back one thing they learned about X through their discussions
So people participate from the beginning and get to know each other through discussionIn pairs, then 4s, then whole group feedback
Facilitator to capture what people feedback on post-its